75, Norfolk St.

Guelph N1H 4J2

Sundays | 1pm EST

Worship with us

+1 226 706 8534

Get in touch!

One Night with the King

75 Norfolk St Guelph, ON N1H 4J2 75 Norfolk St, ON, Guelph, ON, Canada

Unique Teens

In an era where the generation gap is as wide as it's ever been, this event serves as a platform for parents and teenagers to come together, share their perspectives, and ultimately, find that elusive common ground. Join us on Zoom from 5pm to 7pm as we embark on a journey of understanding, empathy, and open dialogue to foster stronger […]

Family Network Meeting

Takes place every 3rd Friday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30pm after prayer meeting via Zoom.